Friday, September 13, 2013

How The Mighty Are Fallen

Anne Kingston, a writer for Maclean's, offers a peek at her upcoming exposé of Wadena's Wayward Woman and her fall from grace:

Breaking News: Despite her continued protestations of having done nothing wrong, Wallin has just repaid another $100K, accompanied by the following statement:

“Although I fundamentally disagree with the methodology used in arriving at that figure, particularly since the amount was calculated using newly created rules to examine past expenses, I do not want to burden the people of Canada and, in particular the people of Saskatchewan, by engaging in a protracted legal debate about the matter”.

“I wish to make it clear. I was not treated fairly by the Deloitte review, which was not conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principle, nor have I been treated fairly by the Senate Committee. Evidence that casts doubt on the correctness of the amounts owing was either ignored or disregarded during the review.”


  1. It's hard to feel the least bit of sympathy for the Senator from Wadena, Lorne.

    1. I suspect that her copious expressions of self-pity more than compensate for the 'hard-hardheartedness' of her fellow Canadians, Owen.

  2. Lorne, I think Anne Kingston has summed it up quite well.

    1. I look forward to reading her full account, LeDaro.

  3. I don't think she was treated fairly either.
    I think the govt should have laid charges and let her have her day in court.

    1. That day may yet come, Dan. Pamela has said she welcomes an RCMP 'review' (I advocate an 'investigation' myself).
